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Wholesale Universal Solvent-based Adhesive C289

Universal adhesive C-289 is a solvent-based adhesive with a wide bonding range and convenient usage. It can be used for bonding both soft and hard materials such as wood, aluminum-plastic panels, leather, synthetic leather, plastic, rubber, metal, etc., and it possesses excellent resistance to oil, solvents, and chemical agents.
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  • C289


C-289 is a versatile solvent-based adhesive with a wide range of applications and convenient use. It can be used for bonding both soft and hard materials such as wood, aluminum-plastic composite panels, leather, synthetic leather, plastic, rubber, metal, and more. It boasts excellent resistance to oil, solvents, and chemical agents, making it an ideal choice for various industrial and artisanal applications.

I. Technical Specifications:

Product Model: C-289

Appearance: Yellow viscous liquid

Viscosity (cps/25°C): 3000-4000

Storage Period (5~35°C): 12 months

II. Operating Steps:

1. Prior to use, prepare the surfaces to be bonded, such as cleaning, sanding, and removing moisture.

2. Apply the adhesive evenly onto the bonding surfaces, ensuring no excess adhesive is left.

3. After applying the adhesive, let it air dry for 5-15 minutes at 25°C until it forms a dry film before bonding.

4. Apply pressure using pressing or rolling methods.

III. Operating Precautions:

1. Before using in bulk, conduct a trial to confirm compatibility.

2. The adhesive has strong adhesion; avoid repeatedly separating and rejoining during bonding to prevent affecting the bonding effectiveness.

3. During bonding, ensure there are no air pockets; utilize appropriate bonding methods to eliminate air and improve bonding effectiveness.

4. Generally, one application of adhesive is sufficient. For porous materials, apply adhesive 2-3 times to ensure full coverage on the material surface.

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